Polyvagal theory workshop

Yoga & your nervous system. An introduction to polyvagal theory and how it applies to yoga.

with Sally Priestley

Above is the recording to the workshop given on Saturday 18th March. This will be available for you to view until April 17 2023.


Bhagavad Gita A New Translation - Laurie L. Patton

The Living Gita - A commentary for modern readers - Sri Swami Satchidananda

The Heart of Yoga - Developing A Personal Practice - T.K.V. Desikachar

Therapeutic Yoga for Trauma Recovery - Applying the Principles of Polyvagal Theory for

Self-Discovery, Embodied Healing and Meaningful Change - Dr Arielle Schwartz

Applied Polyvagal Theory in Therapeutic Yoga - Training Materials - Dr Arielle

Schwartz, Dr Stephen Porges

Podcasts, interviews and webinars featuring Dr Stephen Porges, Dr Peter Levine or Deb Dana are also great, accessible resources on the topic of

Polyvagal Theory.

Your Teacher

Sally is a yoga and embodiment facilitator based in Melbourne. Sally started yoga in 2006 and, over time, developed a deeply devotional practice that brings a richness to her life and shapes how she lives day to day. Sally is passionate about reconnecting people with their innate wisdom and reducing the impacts of stress we're faced within our society today. 

Sally's passion for yoga, curious mind and desire to share its teachings led her to undertake teacher trainings with TLC as well as various other trainings including Applied Polyvagal Theory in Therapeutic Yoga, Alchemy of Embodied Wisdom and Somatic Stress Release - all of which bolster her ability to hold space and dive deep into yogic teachings in a grounded, embodied way. 

Having personal experience with chronic illness and burnout, Sally understands the healing power of safe space and embodied practices that help regulate your nervous system, foster connection to yourself and community and facilitate self-care. Her classes are nourishing, inquisitive and serve as a stepping stone, guiding you on your yogic path.  

Do you have a workshop you think would be good for the TLC Method Training Series? Or have ideas for workshops you would like to see?