Our online COURSE CONNECTING YOU TO SACRED feminine practices
Expand your pleasure with our online Divine Feminine course. Livestream Support. Flexible Payments. Apply Today.
❖ 100% Online Video Content
❖ 20 hrs Prerecorded Shakti Classes
❖ Self Paced Practice, your time your way
❖ Monthly 75 min Livestream Support & Community Calls
❖ Live calls run each May-Nov: starting 2025
❖ Ongoing Unlimited Access
Meet sian & learn more
Allow TLC Founder and lead teacher of the Sacred Woman to explain how the course works.
Book in a call with Sian to discuss your personal journey and interest in this course.
Let us know if you have questions or want to find out more directly from us.
self paced STUDY
Dive into the Sacred Woman course through self-paced learning.
❖ Allows you to set the pace and honour your own inner personal experience and timing
❖ Work with your own schedule & terms
❖ Join anytime
❖ Online continuous support with Sian
❖ Livestream Community calls monthly from May-Nov
Self paced enrolment
One Time Payment of $1190 AUD (GST incl)
or 3 Payments of $450 AUD monthly - total $1350 AUD (GST incl)
Gain full access to the course on payment.
We believe that one of the most powerful ways of activating Shakti is through connecting with other women on the same journey as us.
We also believe that our clients have a greater capacity to go deep into these powerful practices when there is a teacher to hold them, guide them and answer questions along the way.
That’s why we have regular calls for our Sacred Woman participants with The Light Collective founder Sian Pascale.
May 4th 2025, 10:30am AEST (Sydney time)
June 1st 2025, 10:30am AEST (Sydney time)
July 6th 2025, 10:30am AEST (Sydney time)
August 3rd 2025, 10:30am AEST (Sydney time)
September 7th 2025, 10:30am AEST (Sydney time)
October 5th 2025, 10:30am AEST (Sydney time)
November 2nd 2025, 10:30am AEST (Sydney time)
These calls aren’t mandatory but provide a beautiful container for understanding the Sacred Woman work. You can start the course at any time and move through it self paced. During the call period May- Nov you might be inspired to do the Sacred Woman again, in fact, many people do the course many times over and have completely different experience each time. Everyone is welcome no matter what stage of completion they are at.
Course Overview
Step into your own personal exploration of the sacred methods and techniques that will support you in cultivating vast amounts of pleasure, deep states of intimacy and recognition of the transcendent and divine within.
Combining both Classical Tantra and modern Neo-Tantra, we have broken down the philosophy, wisdom and personal practices into a series of modules that you can immerse yourself into. You can work through these at your own pace or work alongside the group in the container experience.
Module one
Free your body, connect to your spirit
A combination of practices including yoga, free movement, release and philosophy to connect you deeply to your body and create a deeper understanding of Shakti - the Divine Feminine.
Total Time: 3.5 hours
Module two
Breath Work
Breath as the awakening force
Learn to cultivate feminine erotic energy through breathwork. Discover how pranayama, kriya and the breath can awaken the feminine in your life and tap into your vitality and life force. A combination of philosophy, breath practices and mythology.
Total Time: 3.5 hours
“A beautiful pathway to safely explore the spaces of my life experiences and how I wish to show up in the world. In a world so intent on conditioning our humanness, this immersion shows us how to reclaim our power and drop into our feminine energy in a life changing way. ”
Module three
Expression of your wild feminine nature
Build connection to your voice and reclaim your personal self expression through a series of talks and practices based on primal, healing and sacred sounds. Remove shame around sound, release blockages and pain and liberate your wild woman.
Total Time: 3.5 hours
Module four
Loving touch and your Breasts
Learn the ancient Taoist breast massage techniques that awaken loving, sexual energy in your body. Reclaim a loving connection to your breasts, heal and clear the energy here and at the heart space, and explore touch as a self-love practice to access your own inner healer.
Total Time: 3.5 hours
“I have to tell you how amazing I feel at the moment. So connected. Enjoying sex again, enjoying myself again, not desperately seeking any images in my mind but just feeling into whatever is there. ”
Module five
The gateway to your feminine self
Step into your pleasure zone, sexual empowerment and educate yourself on the Yoni. Includes Yoni exercises, meditations, kriya, breathwork, female erotic anatomy and philosophy on Taoist energy principles. Learn to heal the sacral chakra and understand why males and females are turned on in different ways!
Total Time: 4 hours
Self pleasure
21 Day Dedication
Self Practice
Experiencing pleasure is your birthright! Awaken to your natural pleasure and bring the fun and sacred into daily self-love sessions. Through a fully guided series of exercises, explore your body in new ways, take responsibility for your sexual needs and expand your erotic and orgasmic potential.
Total Time: 1 hour of teachings (plus written guide + daily self practice)
ready to step into your feminine power & pleasure?
Book in for a short call with Sian to see if the Sacred Woman is right for you.
❖ Do you want to feel more feminine and step into your own personal flavour of femininity?
❖ Do you want to feel free in your voice and your expression?
❖ Have you had a baby and wish to reconnect to your body, pleasure and learn to give back to yourself?
❖ Are you ready to release old narratives and let go of what’s holding you back from freedom in your life?
❖ Are you overworked, always looking after others, tired of burning yourself out and want to learn how to heal the feminine?
❖ Do you crave to step into your feminine power and realign with your energy?
❖ Are you ready to dive in to the sacred, re-discover yourself and become unapologetically you?
❖ Do you want to release shame, guilt, anxiety, conditioning and clear trauma for yourself?
❖ Do you want to learn how to de-stigmatise female pleasure and the body?
❖ Do you desire to connect with your softness and discover your femininity in a new way?
❖ Do you want to gain the confidence to create healthy boundaries and learn to say no?
❖ Do you wish to connect with other women online like you?
Self paced enrolment
One Time Payment of $1190 AUD (GST incl)
or 3 Payments of $450 AUD monthly - total $1350 AUD (GST incl)
Book in for a short call with Sian to see if the Sacred Woman is right for you.
From women who have already completed the Sacred Woman.
“This is the first time I have ever embraced all of me, my body and my femininity. It feels like I have found a long lost part of myself, appreciating my body and feminine side. Thank you so much! What a gift these teachings are :)”
- Anonymous
“Thank you Sian for sharing the practices that allow us to access the divine feminine. Your embodiment and detailed understanding of the techniques gave me the confidence to add these to my morning sadhana. Since adding this to my morning practice I notice a softness about myself as I leave my mat, an ease-fullness as I go about my day and an openness as I interact with the world. Thank you for giving me the gifts that will take me on a deeper journey to the divine.”
- Kirsten
“Sian is an embodiment of love and light. Her teachings are authentic, magnetic and transformative. She has the kind of energy that creates a safe space for deep shifts, a divine community and potent teachings. I felt held, powerful and loved. A deeply moving experience, one that needs to be felt by all.”
- Sophie
“Absolutely loved this sacred women immersion. Sian's ability to hold a beautiful safe space is like no other and it was so powerful to be able to do the work through the womb and yoni space. I believe every women should give themselves this sacred gift, especially for healing at a deeper level and getting in touch with yourself - the shifts are profound. I feel very blessed to have been part of this course.”
- Alana
Your teacher
About Sian Pascale
As a student and teacher of the Tantra yoga path Sian aims to support women to use these ancient practices in their lives today, to not only open themselves up to life, but to really crack themselves wide open! This work invites women to create the passion, pleasure, joy and freedom into their lives that they deserve, and that she has created in her own life. She lives her life from a sex positive framework, encouraging others to replace judgement and shame with pleasure, inviting those she works with to have the space to embody and explore their sexuality as a sacred method for upgrading every part of their life.
Sian Pascale is an ERYT 500 Yoga Alliance Certified teacher, and is certified and covered by the IICT to teach this body of work. As a student she has been personally committed to a daily yoga and meditation practice since 2000.
Sian trained for 2 years in India under the guidance of her guru and soul sister Vandana Yadav in vinyasa, hatha, ashtanga, pranayama and meditation. After these 2 years, she completed her 200hr YTT certification in Ashtanga Vinyasa, however her teachers were all tantrikas, and so she was taught many of the powerful pranayama sequences and mantras used in the tantric tradition, that she discovered other teacher trainings were not teaching. This unexpected initiation informed her path as both a teacher and student for the rest of her life.
Not long after, she met and trained with her first Tantra teacher in India, and for 2 years she practiced directly with him in Melbourne, learning tantric asana, pranayama and meditation techniques. Since this period she has continued to personally practice and has taught only some of these techniques publicly.
Sian returned to India where she continued her training, this time in a 300 hour YTT that taught; Vedic and Tantric wisdom, Kriya, Naad, Laya, Himalayan Kundalini Yoga, Pranayama and Guru Mantra Meditation.
She then competed 2 years and 1000 hours of training certifying and insuring her as a Tantric Women’s Sexuality and Sensuality guide. This allows her to pass on practices in: women’s holistic sexuality, pleasure practices, energy work, breathwork, sound and authentic voice healing, meditative practices, advanced women's anatomy education, ancient Tantra wisdom, Taoism, jade egg, couples Tantra and proven transformational facilitation and coaching skills. These practices are specifically based on the Shakti traditions and practices found in the Kaula and Mishra streams of Indian tantra, as well as the Taoist Feminine practices of the White Tigress in China.
She is currently in training with Christopher Tompkins, Sanskrit scholar and practitioner, learning the lost classical tantrik art of ucchara and the cosmic body.
What you will find within this course is a combination of Sian’s many years of trainings and personal practice, taught it a way that is accessible, potent and fun, for the modern woman to weave into her life.
This path isn’t for everyone. It can be confronting and triggering and it isn’t always rainbows and unicorns. Yes there are many aspects that are fun and juicy and pleasurable (seriously!) But sometimes it makes us face a whole lot of conditioning that we didn’t realise has been holding us back. It makes us aware of blockages and potential disease lying stagnant in our bodies. It asks us to be brave and step into our light when we are used to staying small. It encourages us to do things outside of our comfort zone so that we can expand and grow and change. Basically, this work can be uncomfortable.
But for those who are willing and ready, able to take full responsibility for themselves on this path of feminine awakening, the rewards are great. A life of no holds bar beauty, self expression, love and lots and lots of self pleasure.
WHAT KIND OF TEACHERS OF TANTRA ARE WE at the light collective?
This course isn’t about the big selling, glamour tantra of vaginal weightlifting, squirting competitions or the need for every woman to have multiple orgasms (lol it’s a thing! And you never know sometimes all of these things might happen after you start these practices!) We believe that tantra is a sacred path and we are here to demystify it, release it from the shackles of shame, cults and abuse, and bring its beauty into women’s every-day lives.
We use sacred practices that cultivate feminine sexual energy in a deeply spiritual way, to support us all in connecting to a heart centred way of living. These techniques allow every practitioner to connect to their own experience and an abundant storehouse of expansive, sensual, creative, life force energy.
Neo- Tantric practice and Tantrik philosophy shines a light on where we need to awaken, heal and let go. It allows us to start creating lasting self-worth, so that we can use our sexual energy to penetrate the world and create lives that light us up and everyone around us. This is soulful work and it incorporates both foundational and sophisticated teachings which will allow you to expand your life, consciousness and relationships.
stay connected & join the tribe
online community
Included in the course, we offer a sacred and safe(r) space for all those in the Sacred Woman Tribe to connect, message, ask questions, post and communicate!
All run through the TLC platform, you don’t need to log on to social media to feel connected and supported by a loving and powerful community of women.
Our next series of livestream calls, container experience will be in 2025. We will meet up once a month on the first Saturday of the month between May and November
Everyone who has signed up for the Sacred Woman is welcome.
Yes, you can begin the course, self-paced at anytime. We simply ask you book in a call with Sian to make sure you connect with her and feel supported before you begin this expansive journey.
All of the practices are self paced. You can work through them in your own time, in the privacy and safety of your own home. We run 7 months of livestreams calls to support women to do or redo as much of the content as possible in this time. But there’s no pressure. Some women do it in 6 weeks! Others over a few months. You can take your time.
You will have ongoing access to this online course, for a minimum of 12 months from purchasing.
No, the calls are only available live. The intention behind this is to keep the sacred circles intimate, private and create a sense of safety for the group energy. What is shared during these calls is highly personal and we want everyone to feel safe.
Absolutely! Not everyone feels aligned to the word woman. Many of the Tantric philosophies and practices are ancient and have a heteronormative outlook that frankly, Sian Pascale doesn't personally practice or always agree with. The beauty of tantra is that even within this ancient framework lies the idea that everyone and all is welcome.
This work is primarily for humans who want to build Divine Feminine Energy, Shakti. So if this is you, and you don't call yourself a woman, that's ok! You are welcome.
Some of this work is designed primarily for people with breasts. And some of the practices work best for those who have a yoni, or the space where a womb is or once was. But even if you don't, you can work with the energy that is cultivated through the practices to keep building Shakti and understand it in your own body.
NO. If you are a teacher take this time to enjoy being a student and doing something just for you! You will not be initiated into teaching any of these practices.
No, there are many practices throughout the course but it’s up to you and your body and intuitive knowing as to how often you want to do them and if you would like to create a daily practice with them you can. At the end of every module there is a combined practice, which you could do every day if you wanted to.
It’s totally up to you. There is no time commitment on this course so you can take your time. But the work is deep so you may want to dedicate yourself to it.
You can add your questions, reflections and comments to our dedicated online platform. These are answered weekdays by Sian and TLC Teaching Team.
We also have a Shakti Community page that you can access to gain support from other women who have done the Sacred Woman.
If you are taking part in our livestream calls you will have personal access with Sian and Natalie.
As the energetic practices and breath work contained in the Sacred Woman can promote strong physical and emotional release, it is not recommended for persons with any of the conditions listed below:
-People in active trauma
-Pregnant women
-Anyone under the age of 18
-People with recent physical injuries or surgery
-People with severe mental illness/ psychiatric condition
-People using major medications/ on drugs/ with substance abuse syndrome
-Anyone with a personal or family history of aneurisms
-People with a history of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and high blood pressure
-People with asthma should check with a doctor
More Testimonials
August 2021.
August 2021.
August 2021.
August 2021.
August 2021.
August 2021.
Trainings & Courses
Explore our current courses and trainings at The Light Collective.
Embodied Breathwork
The Embodied Breathwork short course is a completely online offering, accessible at any time and designed so that you can work at your own pace, wherever you are in the world.
We created it for both yoga teachers and students who want to deepen their understanding of pranayama and learn how to teach and practice some of these powerful practices. Unlike other breathwork schools, TLC teaches this ancient wisdom using a feminine energy, body centred, learning approach and we focus on teaching you the relationship between pranayama and Shakti, the Divine Feminine force.
❖ Do you want to gain the confidence to teach breathwork practices in a more authentic and embodied way?
❖ Do you want to discover the power of your breath?
❖ Do you crave to bring breathwork into your daily practice and classes but don’t know where to start?
❖ Do you want to learn in a self paced way?
❖ Do you want to understand the energetics and biomechanics of the breath?
❖ Do you want to understand the power of consecration?
❖ Do you want to learn how to teach pranayama from the feminine perspective?
200hr Yoga Teacher Training
At the Light Collective we want you to come out with 3 qualifications in one: as yoga teacher, breath work teacher and meditation teacher.
We believe in grounding our teachers in the Indian tradition of yoga that expands far beyond the asana. We encourage our teachers to be creative and teach in a modern way, to create soulful and spiritual experiences for their clients.
We want to see practices like pranayama, kriya and meditation woven into classes so that students experience a holistic style of yoga practice.
We are an online school that provides personal connection to all our students with small group sizes and set intakes, so you come out qualified and confident through our teachers’ support.
If you are wanting something more from your yoga teacher training, a deeper connection and a full body mind and soul awakening then connect with us!
✓ Do you want to get your yoga instructor certification with a qualified online school?
✓ Do you want a deep dive into understanding ancient yogic philosophy and wisdom?
✓ Do you want to learn the traditional roots of Indian yoga, in a way that relates to the modern world?
✓ Do you want to understand the postures, how a class is sequenced and why your yoga practice feels so good?
✓ Are you intrigued by the practice of breathwork, want to do a pranayama, breathwork and kundalini yoga teacher training?
✓ Do you want to develop a meditation practice that will connect you back to your self and allow you to become a meditation teacher?
✓ Do you want the flexibility of self-paced learning with a yoga course that’s online?
✓ Do you also like the idea of your 200 hour yoga teacher training having a week-long immersion in Byron Bay?
Gain full access free for 5 days and experience our entire library of pre-recorded yoga classes, breath work, meditation, kundalini kriya, yoga programs, tutorials, livestreams and all of our yoga philosophy.
Immerse yourself in a world of wellness with our vast selection of hundreds of yoga classes. Our platform boasts a beautiful, clear design that mirrors the serenity of your practice, that enhances your online yoga journey. Join us today and experience the perfect blend of mindfulness and modernity, right at your fingertips.
The TLC Method
Our year long Yoga Teacher Training designed to expand your knowledge in Pranayama, Kundalini Kriya, Tantrik Philosophy and Meditation. Go deep into your spiritual practice through daily sadhana and weekly support calls.
✓ Are you ready to step up and commit to yourself and the spiritual path through your own daily practice?
✓ Do you seek authentic & soulful yoga teachings and practices?
✓ Do you desire to express your authentic self & voice in your life or as a teacher?
✓ Are you intrigued by the practice of breathwork and want to do a pranayama, breathwork and kundalini yoga teacher training?
✓ Do you want to release from self sabotage, gain confidence and step up as a leader in your community?
✓ Do you want to connect to a community of people who are grounded and ready to be inspired?