TLC Method Training Series

Polyvagal theory workshop

Yoga & your nervous system. An introduction to polyvagal theory and how it applies to yoga.
with Sally Priestley

As part of our commitment to supporting the TLC Method Community we are excited to offer ongoing professional development through mini courses, workshops, events and retreats in 2023. This March we are collaborating with Sally Priestly, TLC Method Graduate from 2021.

A personal note from Sally- “I completed The Method in 2021 and mentored in 2022. Prior to that I undertook the Soulful Master training and Beyond the Asana 200hr YTT with TLC in 2019. I've practiced and studied these sacred practices over a number of years, and love weaving them into my daily life and yoga classes across Melbourne. Most of all, I love mentoring students through this work. I can't wait to dive into this work with you, hear your stories and support you through these teachings.”

The Details

A 2-hour workshop exploring yoga philosophy and polyvagal theory. This workshop will empower you with knowledge of the inner workings of your nervous system and exemplify the power of yoga as a tool for regulation. 

Sally will provide you with a framework for svadhyaya (self-study) and compassion for yourself and others, so that you can start to live with more ease and kindness. 

Under Sally's guidance you will explore tools to regulate the impacts of stress on the body and feel into which practices are suitable for your body in any given moment. 

This information is also useful for yoga teachers looking to understand the impact yoga practice can have on students and how to work within a student's capacity. 

Date: Saturday 18 March 2023

Time: 2:00 - 4:00pm Melbourne Time

Place: TLC Live Stream 

Investment: $65 

What’s Included

❖ Vedic yoga philosophy (outlining the relationship between purusa (the soul), prakriti (mind and body) and the gunas (states of being that arise in the body-mind); 

❖ An introduction to polyvagal theory and the window of tolerance; 

❖ How yoga, pranayama and mantra can regulate the nervous system and tone the vagus nerve 

Your Teacher

Sally is a yoga and embodiment facilitator based in Melbourne. Sally started yoga in 2006 and, over time, developed a deeply devotional practice that brings a richness to her life and shapes how she lives day to day. Sally is passionate about reconnecting people with their innate wisdom and reducing the impacts of stress we're faced within our society today. 

Sally's passion for yoga, curious mind and desire to share its teachings led her to undertake teacher trainings with TLC as well as various other trainings including Applied Polyvagal Theory in Therapeutic Yoga, Alchemy of Embodied Wisdom and Somatic Stress Release - all of which bolster her ability to hold space and dive deep into yogic teachings in a grounded, embodied way. 

Having personal experience with chronic illness and burnout, Sally understands the healing power of safe space and embodied practices that help regulate your nervous system, foster connection to yourself and community and facilitate self-care. Her classes are nourishing, inquisitive and serve as a stepping stone, guiding you on your yogic path.  

Do you have a workshop you think would be good for the TLC Method Training Series? Or have ideas for workshops you would like to see?