The Divine Feminine - Durga Maa
At The Light Collective, our practices often work with differing aspects of Divine Feminine energy. By reflecting on, and invoking the different primordial energies of the divine, we can begin to learn how to harness their teachings to empower our own lives. In this post we introduce the great Mother and protector, Durga Maa.
Durga Maa
If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that our perception of control over the unfolding of life events is largely within the realms of our imagination. We may often live comfortably amongst our ideations, and the belief that we know what is to come. However life will undoubtedly, at some point or another, remind us that that solid future we imagined and gripped to was just that, imagined.
As we deepen into the practice of yoga, we may begin to see that amongst the chaos and uncertainty of life, our true power lies in the ways in which we respond and adapt.
But amidst the throws of chaos, can we truly choose our response? Even with carefully attuned awareness, breaking out of habitual responses and ways of being is no small feat. Thankfully, we don’t have to do this alone. Along with teachers and a community, we also have access to the primordial energies of the divine.
Durga is the Mother Goddess, one aspect of the primordial divine feminine. Often called Durga Maa, she is protective, nurturing, creative and deeply compassionate.
Invoking in us the capacity for self-reflection, Durga is the aspect of ourselves that can see clearly the changes that are required. Durga’s energy of self-reflection is honest and authentic. It can be found in that part of us that calls ourselves out on the ways we succumb to our own deception.
This could be in the ways we:
Self-sabotage our health through poor choices;
In the lies we tell ourselves about our relationships;
In the negative self-talk around our worth; or
In the belief that we are powerless to control our own lives.
Like a mother, Durga’s call to action in response to these can be gentle; or if required, strong and urgent. She may first present in our lives with the soft nudge of our intuition, a gentle knowing tug in the gut. If we fail to respond to the tender pull, she may intensify the urgency and heat for transformation – pushing us to make the changes required.
What Does Durga Teach us
Durga rides a lion or a tiger. As she sits astride this fierce animal, her face is placid and serene. She has innumerable arms that spring forward as required – carrying a variety of weapons to slay demons on the battlefield. Her imagery demonstrates her capacity to protect and fight with composure, mastery and focus. She shows us how to confront demons without fear, and that we have all the tools available to us to destroy that which confronts us.
Shri Shri Durga, ca. 1885–95, The Met Museum Collection
Durga Maa shows us that life is sometimes a battlefield (hello 2020!). And when you find yourself amongst the war, that you can wield the weaponry needed to end that which no longer serves you, and take back control of your life.
We work with Durga Maa to invoke the courage to own our experiences, to respect our boundaries, and to live with dignity. She shows us how to be fiercely loving - that the mother energy is not just about gentleness, but also about courageous protection and compassion. She helps us to recognise our own delusion and actively choose how to respond. Perhaps, like Durga appears to show us, you too can love yourself with such fierce compassion that you are willing to fight for the life you want to lead.
Suggested Practices at Home
Below we’ve collated a few ideas to support beginning your relationship with the great Durga Maa!
As you contemplate Durga, spend some time looking at her imagery and contemplating the teachings She imparts. One way to start bringing this into your own self reflection is to journal, asking yourself the hard questions that we often avoid. Allow yourself to write freely, without bringing your judging mind into the process. Some prompts to get you started may be:
Where are the demons in your life?
What negative patterns are you clinging to?
What lies do you tell yourself?
What limits are you placing on your life, on your full expression and enjoyment?
When things get tough, can you find the courage to be your own advocate and protector?
Kapalabhati Breath
Kapalabhati breath is a simple practice that supports you to instantly tap into and bring awareness to your inner fire, strength and single-pointedness. Consider practicing this set when you are feeling out of touch with your inner strength, when you need to shift heaviness or dullness, or to refresh your energy before practicing meditation or contemplation.
3 x rounds of 30 seconds Kapalabhati breath, followed by a breath retention, with your focus at the heart. Exhale and release, and feel into the instant heat, energy and focus brought into your body.
Practice with Sian Pascale the kriya, flows and mantras that will support you to evoke this energy in your life. For full access head to the TLC Online Yoga Studio.
Or to find out more about the online classes on the TLC Online Yoga Studio, head to our website
The Sacred Woman is our online course connecting you to Tantric feminine practices and uncovering the energy of the divine feminine within our own body temple.
Learn to experience more fullness, pleasure & radiance in your life.