Pranayama: our transformative birth rite
FROM THE MOMENT WE ARE BORN we are all gifted with magic, but most of us have lost the ability to acknowledge and honour this magic.
Pranayama Breathing Is A powerful tool without form, one that reaches and transforms each and every cell of our body, THE BREATH is fulfilling its unconditional service to our body every second we are alive in this human form.
Before I had begun The TLC Method, I was ignoring the pure magic that is accessible to me at every moment. While I had heard, read and intellectually understood the importance of the breath and different breathing techniques in ancient cultures, I did not feel particularly drawn to experience them for myself. In fact, boy did I have resistance and cling to shallow breath patterns which had worked up to this point in my life. I figured, why change? However I have found that next to resistance waits a huge pot of gold. After I overcame my lively resistance and dived consciously into Pranayama breathing, I have experienced one profound experience after another.
Most of us have heard the benefits of PrANAYAMA - breathing deeply and consciously:
Increased oxygen levels
Stress release
Emotional balancing
Access to the Bliss Body
Yet in our daily life most of us have a very shallow breath, which ironically keeps us breathless all the time.
After a friendly, telepathic reminder from Sian (JUST DO IT ANNETTE), I started with continuous Ujjayi Breath throughout my yoga practice. I quickly realised that my postures had shifted from airy fairy movements into rock stable, rooted and deeply transformative postures. Wow, was that me or is there a giant ancient being breathing next to me....or even through me?
All of that occurred just because I changed the way I breathed? I was determined to explore and experience more. Pranayama here I come!
“I did not expect Agni Saura Dhauti to energise me more than my three coffees and two matcha teas.”
TYPES OF Pranayama Breathing & Techniques
While I was familiar with the energising effects of Kapala Bhati, I have learned there were many types of pranayama breathing techniques to be explored. I never expected that Samvritti (equal part breath) would give me the chills by emptying me of oxygen while simultaneously filling me up with countless possibilities as I bathed in the void of exhale retention. I did not expect Agni Saura Dhauti to energise me more than my three coffees and two matcha teas or Nadi Shodana to create a calm and yet sharpen mind from which I can create endlessly.
By now I almost consider myself a pranayama junkie, totally hooked and fascinated by the orchestra of biochemistry rushing through my body, evoking unknown sensations through nothing more yet nothing less than my own breath. While I rave about these experiences I have just started to experience, I feel that this is just the beginning of something much bigger - looking to incorporate these techniques and benefits into my yoga practice.
I have dipped my toe into the vastness of an experience unknown but guys, I am so ready to jump.
Annette Lober is our resident journal writer for the next year while she studies The TLC Method. She works as a screenwriter & performer and believes in the transformative power of storytelling.
Embodied Breathwork is out 4 hr Online Breathwork training course offering a body centred, feminine approach to pranayama and the energy body.
Open to all with a desire to unlock the power of their breath.