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“The one-week immersion provided me with avalanches of abundance and faith in my mind, body and spirit. I don't think words will ever express how grateful I am to Sian, Soph, TLC and all the other beautiful sisters in Yoga for being a safe container for me to just be and being the ultimate and most authentic mirrors of my divinity. I love you all so much. Thank you.”


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Lea G

Feeling so deeply honoured to share this week with you amazing humans. You are all so inspiring. This week felt like a washing machine, purification, truth, rebirthing and remembering who we truly are.

Maybe the most intense week of my life so far, it allowed me to find freedom, release and heal so much at deep levels, many things are felt and are hard to explain with words (I know you can all relate, the eyes are telling so much...).

Still processing what happened and trying to find my way back to everyday life, finding balance between my divine life and my human life.

This week changed me forever, I am slowly discovering the new me, same but different. I'm beyond grateful for all of you, thank you for everything, I love you all so much.

Lea G

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Dennis G

“Such a beautiful, realigning, heart-opening week. Connecting with everyone was lush, turning the little squares on a zoom call into beautiful, real, amazing humans. So much discomfort, so much learning and unlearning throughout the week and so much to reflect on. Being surrounded by so much beautiful feminine energy helped me soften into myself, which I am grateful for as the last year, especially the last 3 months has been challenging. The classes and fun exercises were balanced so well.

Thank you to everyone for being you, open, loving, vulnerable, powerful and supportive.”

Dennis G

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Isabel S

“I’m constantly in awe of these teachings and how much wisdom I soaked up over the week. I feel so grateful to be held in such a supportive space, to have the time to be in my body, to push myself and to confront discomfort, revealing how much inner strength and determination is held within me.

I feel physically and energetically strong, charged and refreshed, a feeling of excitement and momentum for the next 6 weeks!

Gratitude and thanks to you fellow sisters, Sian, Soph and TLC for a truly transformative week.”

Isabel S

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“I felt incredibly seen and supported and was often awestruck by the other women around me every day. I feel so inspired by all of them and their unique stories and feel so blessed to have been held so safely by all of them. I really do feel that the immersion was an amazing experience of what life should look like, there was such unconditional love and acceptance in the room, which was such a new experience for me to have with 14(?) can't count haha) other women.

Thank you Sian and Sophie for creating this space for all of us. It was truly a blessing and I'm extremely grateful.”


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Serena J

“I am forever grateful for the blessing-filled journey that was the Week 6 Immersion. I am so excited to integrate the profound spiritual and technical learnings into my life and career.

I have found Serena - embodied! It wasn't about trading an old version in for a new one, it was about reclaiming my power and feeding my soul with the safety, sovereignty, and serenity that I deserve. For the first time in my life, I feel fearless and unapologetic for who I have showed up as in this incarnation.”

Serena J

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Regina K

“The immersion was an eye-opening and heart warming experience. Some key take aways from the experience were: learning about boundaries and how to speak my truth, honouring myself, realising how powerful I truly am and that anything is possible, and feeling the connection and power of sisterhood. I felt how blessed and content I am and that I'm ready to give more. I'm very grateful for my partner, friends and family, my life and how much dedication I've shown to get to where I am at now. It felt like a cleansing experience, excavating away the layers that no longer serve and allowing for what's next to emerge. I'm excited for what's to come!”

Regina K

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Rubini B

“I've been trying to process the beauty of the immersion ever since I returned home and I think what I've realised is that one of the biggest things I've taken away is the connection I feel I have to my own body, energy, and inner knowing. Doing beautiful yogic practices every day for a week with amazing women every day allowed me to feel into my body and settle into myself in a very special way.”

Rubini B

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Maria B

“Going into the immersion, there was a rollercoaster of emotions, and I am so thankful to have experienced all of it. I came into it being extremely humble which allowed me to let go and to be open and raw, and to experience feeling safe, which I really cherish. The beautiful connections between all of the women, it was just amazing to experience becoming one through all of the practices.”

Maria B

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Jareen W

“Immersion week was one of the most beautiful, grounded, spiritual and loving weeks of my life. I will hold it close to my heart and continue to let the content, practices, memories, conversations and insights wash over me and seep into my life. It came and went all too fast!

The experience was too large and profound to put into words, but I keep thinking that it felt like a ‘blossoming’. Of Self. An awakening, a rebirth, a celebration, a calling, a re-affirmation. I felt a strengthening of my physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual body, and felt the strengthening of every single person in our ‘container’.”

Jareen W

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Terina M

“A phenomenal week connecting with some truly beautiful humans. The Immersion itself was healing and life changing for me. Not only did all of the content, teachings and practice come together, but it really solidified that I am on the right path for my journey. It dropped so much deeper than I expected and I am so grateful for the experiences that I had and to have shared and held space for others with their own. The most profound week of my life.”

Terina M

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Jennifer K

“I am feeling more confident as a teacher and I can not wait to begin weaving Asana into my classes after this training. I am so committed to this path and grateful to be in this position to share what lights me up.

I'm sure more words to describe how big this week was will develop as I integrate the expansion, but THANK YOU. Each and every one of you - for seeing me and supporting me through this journey. My heart is cracked wide open and I am so grateful to be able to share it with such special humans. Big big love to you all!”

Jennifer K

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Jaime S

“Wow. I am feeling so grateful to have had that opportunity to get out of my comfort zone, learn and absorb so much wisdom in a short period of time. It's hard to put it into words as I'm still processing it all but my heart feels full and my mind expanded beyond measure.”

Jaime S

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“The execution of the course content by Sian and Sophie was so skilfully weaved into the theory and the practice and was balanced so beautifully with time for reflection and connecting to myself and my fellow students.

The strong Kriya done in pairs was a real challenge and highlight and I often think of that moment when I need to dig deep and draw on internal strength.

Thank you all for your contributions, energy and vulnerability. It made me so grateful for the opportunity to be in this course with you all at this time. You are all such an amazing bunch of humans and future teachers. xxx”


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Ami H

“The entire week was so liberating and expansive it definitely felt like an activation, an up levelling. I drew so much strength, joy and inspiration from all of the people and the practices, and felt a shift in my relationship to yoga, and a deepening and freedom within my practice. I am so in love with kriya, and am so excited to keep learning, growing and practicing. A huge heartfelt thank you to Sian and Sophie for all that you gave, and to every one of you there for making the week what it was. So much love xx”

Ami H

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Eleisha D

“This was one hands down one of the best weeks of my life. The releases, the learnings, the connections and friends made for life - all of it was so powerful and has really made me want for more of this yogic lifestyle and all that comes with it. I laughed and cried more in that week than I thought physically possible and stretched myself in ways I wasn’t sure I was able to do.”

Eleisha D

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