What is Womb Healing?
Our womb holds the key to our deepest intuition as women and has the power to unlock a sense of fullness and pleasure in our lives. When we connect to our yonis, we heal our womb and reclaim our own divinity. By working with the divine feminine and the energy of Shakti we are able to find deep healing, pleasure and empowerment within all areas of our lives.
Why connect to and heal your womb?
The Yoni translates to ‘sacred space’ in Sanskrit. It includes the womb, genitals and entire female reproductive system. Our yonis are fundamental to our experience of femininity as it is the primary store house for our feminine energy, eroticism and deepest intuition.
Womb healing can allow us to find release on all levels of our being. The healing needed may be physical (eg. releasing scar tissue, physical trauma) it may be energetic, (eg. memories of past lovers) or it could be emotional (feelings and sadness may suddenly arise)- whatever the case it all needs clearing! The yoni is a highly receptive and absorptive space. When we learn to release our yonis and wombs on every level, we find healing for our deepest selves.
What is stored in the womb?
In Tantra different parts of the body are energetically ‘charged.’ The womb space is the yin/negative/ receptive pole of the female body. For men, the lingam (penis) is the yang/ active/positive pole in the male body. You can intuitively perceive this by thinking about how the lingam penetrates itself out into the world, where as the yoni is internal and receives. Our Yonis are therefor highly receptive spaces. They can absorb and store experiences, especially those related to our femininity and sexuality.
Imagine a place in your body that stored every ex lover, love making session, weird Cleo magazine article, religious sermon, disapproving talk from you parents, flippant comment about your attractiveness, UTI or sexual injury.
Painful experiences in our lives such as childbirth, illness and injury in this sensitive space can cause a serration between our mind and our yonis and our ability to connect to this sacred space within us.
How we can find release
Step 1: create a sacred connection to your womb
As divine feminine beings, it is so important that we have a deep connection with our yonis. The yoni is the store house of life giving energy - think about that for a moment! Many women see their yonis as a place of service, there to create children, give pleasure to lovers and also as a sexual and practical space for ablutions.
Reclaiming this part of our body as sacred can help us to change the way we feel about our yonis and our own feminine nature. Remember, in Sanskrit the word yoni literally means ‘sacred space,’ this is pretty different to some of the other words often used to describe the female anatomy!
When something is sacred you take care of it, pay attention to it, honour and nurture it. This understanding changes our interactions with not only ourselves but also those who we invite into the sacred temple of the yoni.
Spend some time self pleasuring in a sacred way- light a candle, burn some incense, take your time. Do a sacred yoni mapping or cervical de-armouring practice.
Step 2: LUBE IT UP
Have you ever heard the myth in women’s magazines or even in Tantra circles that a woman’s body shouldn’t need lubricant and we should be able to produce our own natural lubrication at all times? It’s time to let go of this myth, take the pressure off women’s bodies (yonis come in all shapes, sizes and liquidity levels!) and step into a world where lube is the new best friend on our nightstand. Lubricant is the juiciest way to protect the health and vitality of your yoni in both self pleasure and all forms of love making. Think of lube as a slippery delicious moisturiser for your lady parts that stops chaffing and tearing on her sensitive and delicate tissues and amplifies the pleasure for everyone. Organic Coconut oil from the supermarket is an economical and yummy option for those not using barriers, but remember it breaks down condoms so explore water based options if you need.
Our favourite is Soma Medicinals which is a coconut oil that includes CBD oil to nourish and relax. Use TLC10 at the Soma checkout to receive a 10% discount!
Within the Tantric energy body there are 7 chakras, or wheels of energy. The chakra that relates to the womb is called Swadhisthana - meaning the home of ones sweetness! We can heal the womb by awakening and balancing the sacral chakra. Learning to flow with life, experience our emotions and pleasure and open up to creativity supports this.
Ways to connect to Swadhisthana
Be free with your emotions, move your hips and find freedom in the movement, bathing, warm water, softening, learning to flow in your life. Working with these practices starts to shift and release stress held in the womb on an energetic level.
STEP 4: Womb Clearing Practices
Now that you have an understanding of the energetics involved and a sacred connection to your yoni, take some time to journal what you feel could be stored or held this space, what it is you want to release. Ask yourself, what do I feel is stored here? Is there numbness? Pain? Pleasure? Notice what your womb tells you.
A few things that might help you to release the pain and regain greater sensation:
❖ Yoni Mapping: you can do this own your own, with a practitioner, or as part of our online courses. This practice creates brain chemistry and connection to the yoni to release pain.
❖ Cervix De-armouring: The Cervix is a space that can hold a lot of pain and is physical gateway to the womb. Finding a way to release tension, pain and numbness though a practice like cervical de-armouring allows this part of the body to relax. Being a gateway to the womb, this practice is also deeply healing to the womb, as well as a space that we can experience great amounts of pleasure.
Some of the practices we work with in The Sacred Women to help clear this space include:
❖ Shake and Release
❖ Working with primal sound
❖ Connecting to sacred breath work practices and allowing the breath to go deep into the body.
❖ You can try our Yoni Clearing & Cleansing Meditation at bottom of the page
STEP 5: creating Pleasure
Once you started to clear and are feeling more open and connected to your yoni, you can unlock the fullness of your potential for pleasure. Very often pleasure is masked by pain or numbness in the womb. There are more than 8,000 nervous endings in the clitoris alone! This part of our body is MADE for pleasure and pleasure is our birthright, but due to stress and conditioning our bodies numb out or store pain as a response.
❖ Love Muscles: One of our fave practices for building pleasure at TLC is working with the Love Muscles (PC muscles.) Create a regular practice starting at 50 pulses and working up to 150 a day.
Womb Clearing Meditation
❖ Before moving into this practice, take some time to look at the drawings on this page and get to know your anatomy. You might even like to use a mirror and explore your own yoni, how she looks and works.
❖ Take your time to create a sacred space for yourself, somewhere quiet where you won’t be disturbed and can relax fully. Maybe lighting some candles or incense, whatever works for you.
❖ Come into a comfortable laying position, close down your eyes and focus on your breath. Let the rhythm of your breath start to slow and your body relax
❖ Bring your attention to your womb, drawing energy into this space of the whole yoni.
❖ Start to visualise each part of your yoni, starting at the vulva and as you place your attention there allow for a healing white light to start to move around the vulva, up the vagina and into the womb.
❖ Let the light spread through your entire yoni, the light releasing any tension as it moves through each part until you feel you have cleared anything stored or blocked.
❖ To finish you might like to visualise your whole womb filled with light.
❖ Staying as long as you need in this practice before gently making your way out. You might like to ground or journal anything that came up after this practice.
A NOTE on Womb Healing for Fertility & Pregnancy
How to connect to your womb before and after pregnancy
Where your attention goes, your energy flows. The more attention you give to a part of your body the more energy flows to that space. Energy is life force, also known as prana or chi. Life force brings with it health, vitality and fresh blood and nutrients. When you can awaken the womb on an energetic level you are cultivating prana, creative energy which is what we need in order to create life through a baby! Spending loving attention through clearing practices, sacral chakra work, massage, sacred self pleasure and mindful love making help build prana and chi in the womb.
Also remember that many women spend a big chunk of their lives trying to not get pregnant! So on a deep body/ mind level we have entrained ourselves not to fall pregnant. One small but powerful gesture is to find ways to demonstrate to yourself on the regular that falling pregnant is safe and joyful, and give yourself some time for the body to catch up.
You might even like to work with the following meditation:
Meditation for Fertility
❖ Close your eyes down and get comfortable
❖ Bring your attention to the womb space and the yoni
❖ Start to visualise lifeforce energy drawing in the space of the womb, filling the ovaries and the whole reproductive system
❖ Feel prana and Jing flooding this entire space with energy and life, preparing your body to conceive
At the Light Collective we offer a range of ways you can connect to the Tantrik Tradition, your body and your practice.
the sacred woman
Expand your pleasure with our 20hr feminine course.
In the Sacred Woman course, you'll embark on a personal exploration of sacred methods and techniques that will support you in cultivating vast amounts of pleasure, deep states of intimacy, and recognition of the transcendent and divine within yourself.
Through a blend of somatic practices, including breast massage, womb healing, sound healing, breathwork, and movement, we aim to help you tap into your innate power and unleash your full potential. Your experienced teacher will provide you a safe and nurturing environment where you can explore your feminine energy and unlock a deeper sense of self-awareness and empowerment.
Join us on this powerful journey to awaken your feminine essence and cultivate a more vibrant and fulfilling life.
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Our experienced teachers will guide you through each practice, offering techniques to help you tap into your inner wisdom and cultivate a deeper connection to yourself and the world around you.
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The author
Sian Pascale is the founder of The Light Collective, an Online Yoga School focussed on working with the subtle body, Shakti practices and the Tantrik lineage.
She is currently based North of Byron Bay in sunny Australia where she practices and teaches.
Read more about her.