Jaime Lee Stephenson
“You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously”
Jaime is trained in Vinyasa & Hatha Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Mantra, Kriya and Vedic Philosophy. She likes to take people on the journey of self discovery through her classes. Her teaching style is playful and soulful, some classes may be soft and slow while others are dynamic and powerful. Jaime’s desire is to create sacred spaces that allow people to come home to themselves and cultivate a deeper connection with the Divine to experience more peace, love and liberation.
Tell us something that people may not know about you
I’m about 90% sure I’m Tupac reincarnated. I’m also the funniest person I know.
jaime’s Classes
Self Awareness Breath & Meditation - 15 mins
Embark on a journey of gentle self-discovery with this Self Awareness Breath & Meditation Practice. Throughout this practice you will be guided inwards, helping you cultivate a deeper connection with yourself.
Personal Power Flow - 30 mins
This dynamic class is designed to empower you tap into your inner reservoir of strength, courage and confidence. Through movement, pranayama and mantra, you will be guided to embody your unique personal power.
Rinse & release flow - 30 mins
This practice is a full-body stretch designed to gently guide you through a sequence of juicy postures that will leave you feeling refreshed and deeply connected to your body.
join jaime on the mat
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